If you need to upload a file (e.g. VRP image or license file) to a Huawei device and you don't have a TFTP or FTP server up and running then you can use the SSH connection.
You just need a SSH access to the device - it can be a local user or via HWTACACS or Radius. If you need to know how to activate SSH on a Huawei device you can read the article Activate SSH access on Huawei device. To upload a file to the Huawei device just a few steps are required:
1. |
Activate SCP server on Huawei device
2. | Download PSCP and place it in the folder where the file is you would like to upload. |
3. | Open a CMD in the folder and use the following command to upload the file:
4. | Deactivate SCP server on Huawei device