From software version V200R019 Huawei changed the initial password change policy. You will be asked to change the initial password which can be disabled.
You may be asked to change the initial password to access the device:
Username: netcamp
Warning: The initial password poses security risks.
The password needs to be changed. Change now? [Y/N]:
If you answer with "N" you will not be able to login. If you answer with "Y" you are forced to change the password and can't use the old password. In case you have several local users which using the same password on different devices this may be annoying.
But you can disable this behavior with the following command (e.g. on most switches):
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] aaa
[HUAWEI-aaa] local-aaa-user password policy administrator
[HUAWEI-aaa-lupp-admin] undo password alert original
Warning: Orignal password alert has been disabled, there is a security risk.
This command is not available for some devices (e.g. NetEngine 8000) where the following command must be used:
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] undo user-security-policy enable
Warning: The current operation may reduce the degree of account security. It is strongly recommended to keep this enabled.