How to schedule a reboot on Huawei devices

If you are working remotely on a Huawei device and are not sure whether a change could cause the connection to be lost, then the schedule reboot is an important tool for you.

Let's assume that you have to perform a routing change on a Huawei device. However, you have mistakenly entered the wrong command and now the device is no longer accessible. You now need to contact someone who can power off/on the device so that it restarts with the old configuration.This can also be automated by setting up a scheduled reboot. This can be deactivated again as soon as the change has been made and everything is running as desired. 


Schedule a reboot (e.g. in one minute):

<HUAWEI>schedule reboot delay 1
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait..................
Warning: The configuration has been modified, and it will be saved to the next startup saved-configuration file flash:/ Continue? [Y/N]:y
Info: Reboot system at 00:26:11 2023/12/09 UTC(in 0 hours and 1 minutes)

➡️ Do not set the delay too short so that you have enough time to deactivate it again. You can also use at instead of delay to restart the device at a certain time. Make sure that the time on the device is correct, e.g. using an NTP server.


Make your changes as required.


Deactivate the scheduled reboot again:

<HUAWEI>undo schedule reboot

➡️ If you want to check whether a scheduled reboot is activated, you can do this with display schedule reboot

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