Huawei CLI debugging

For more in-depth troubleshooting, debugging on the CLI (Telnet or SSH) can be very helpful. This article describes the steps required to activate debugging.

The activation of debugging is done in a few steps. All configurations are done in the user-view and it is important to activate the display of the debugging messages to the console.


Activate debugging - in this example all STP packets on a Huawei switch.

<HUAWEI>debugging stp packet all


If you are connected via Telnet oder SSH you need to display the terminal messages to the session.

<HUAWEI>terminal monitor
Info: Current terminal monitor is on.


Display the debugging messages to the Telnet or SSH session.

<HUAWEI>terminal debugging
Info: Current terminal debugging is on.


Display which debugging is activated.

<HUAWEI>display debugging
MSTP packet all debugging switch is on
MSTP msti debugging packet switch is on


Stop all debugging commands.

<HUAWEI>undo debugging all
Info: All possible debugging has been turned off.

➡️ Be careful with activating to much debugging commands as it can overstrain your device. For example never activate debugging ip packet without any further parameters (e.g. ACL)

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