Stop "Storage utilization 80% exceeded the threshold 80%" messages on Huawei device

You have probably already received the message in the logbuffer or via syslog on a Huawei switch that the storage utilization has reached 80%. What can be done about this is described here.

The messages are generated very often and thus fill the logbuffer or the syslog service unnecessarily. The messages come in this format:

642005250 syslog HUAWEI local7 crit 2023-12-19 11:51:02 19 2023 11:51:02+01:00 HUAWEI ENTITYTRAP/2/BOARDFAIL:OID Board fails. (Index=67108873, EntityPhysicalIndex=67108873, PhysicalName="MPU Board 0", EntityTrapEntType=1, EntityTrapFaultID=132240, EntityTrapReasonDescr="Storage utilization 80% exceeded the threshold 80%")

In the short term, the files that are not required can be deleted so that the messages are no longer generated. To delete all log files in the /logfile folder you can use the following command:

<HUAWEI>cd logfile
<HUAWEI>delete /unreserved /quiet *.zip

As it is not possible to completely deactivate automatic saving of the log files, the number can be reduced, which should solve the problem in the long term. By default, a maximum of 200 log files are saved but this can be reduced for example to 50.

[HUAWEI]info-center max-logfile-number 50

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